'Testimonianze e Progetti GUINEA'
Missione a Gabu – Bissau

It is under the responsibility of the Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Blessed Sacrament who have had their mission in Gabú since 1996.
The armed conflict from June 1998 to May 1999, which caused very serious problems for the Guinean population, mainly affected women and children. There was a high infant mortality rate due to severe malnutrition.

Escola Madre Serafina Bissaquil

We, the Sisters of the Mother Seraphina Community, in our quest to help the women of the village to survive, work on sewing and making bags for them to sell, as well as repairing their own clothes. We accompany the Family Group of the parish of Santo Antonio in Safim and the Community of Santo Agostinho in Háfia, with guidance on retreats, talks, organisation and restructuring of the groups in the communities – in the villages and at the parish headquarters. Some requests are made by the parish to us Sisters, such as guiding retreats and talks for young people and teenagers.

Centro di Recupero Nutrizionale Gabu

We began our day with adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, followed by the prayer of Lauds, seeking strength and inspiration so that throughout the day we could live according to God’s heart, loving and serving our brothers and sisters.
This year our St Clare Community in Gabú was renewed with Sisters Florinda Costa and Sá, who returned to Guinea-Bissau after a period in the Venezuelan Mission.
Adriana Fonseca de Alcântara joined the new group and Sister Florinda took over the Nutritional Recovery Centre (C.R.N.) where malnourished mothers and children are received for nutritional awareness and accompaniment.