“The Holy Hour is the tribute that we, the sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, pay to our Celestial Spouse enclosed in the ciborium. It is the hallmark of our Institute”…. “Oh, how sweetly ascend the prayers and sighs to the heart of God in the silence of the night! They bring peace to the world, comfort to the afflicted and conversion to sinners. It is a marvelous blend of the contemplative and active life such that the latter is not deprived of the sweetness of the former, which accompanies and perfects every act of the other.” “If the seal and hallmark of our Institute is the devotion to the most Blessed Sacrament, I would like to see this God of Love exposed every day and all honour and glory paid to him, because to me the adoration of the Holy Mysteries is a natural need of the heart. To enjoy on earth, the delight of Paradise, with the sole difference that here we contemplate him under a dense fog, whereas in Paradise in the fullness of his glory…” (Practical Guide)